Thursday, February 7, 2008

Devin has a NEW love..

So Devin has grown to love cats, (coming from a dog family), but my cat Myzzie isn't the biggest fan on him. She will always sleep with me and let me pet her, and Dev is just a little jealous. So we have been talking about getting a "baby" for HIM but we are not yet ready for that human baby. We have been going back and forth about getting a kitten or a puppy, and we also agree again that we are not ready for a puppy either. So the search is on for that one special kitty for Dev. We have been searching craigslist and stuff and have just come up short. We really want a kitten so that it can grow up with my cat, and it will grow up loving Dev. Well after about 2 weeks of searching, we went to the pound to see what they have. NO KITTENS. )-: Sad times there by the way. THIS one particular cat came up to the gate and started rubbing her head all over, and then the paws went to town doing her little kneeding thing. She was Irresistible and we had to touch her. Well the only way you can touch a pet is if you fill out all that stupid paper work. Then it feels like you almost have to buy a pet or they have your name in the system as like a killer of animals. Well we filled it out anyways, and got to go in a room with the kitty. From the moment she was put in our arms, it was a constant purrr and kneed. She was the sweetest thing ever.

Not to mention too that she LOVED, I mean LOVED Devin. She was rubbing her head all over him, she just didn't want to be put down.

This is the most cuddly and loving cat that I have ever seen. WE TOTALLY had to take her home. She is only a little over a year old and she still looks as small as a kitten. She will sit on your lap for as long as you sit there. And not once have we entered the room and not heard her purrring. She is a lover.

And look how happy the new pops is to have a love of his own. He has already become completly responsible for her and holds her all the time and she loves him just as much! IT just makes me feel that much more confident in his father abilities when that time comes for us to have our own babies!


Unknown said...

She sure is a pretty cat chels. good pick

Kelsey said...

What a sweet story! I LOVE cats! I've always loved cats. And I'm so happy to hear that you adopted an adult kitty. That's the right thing to do. I hope your new kitty gets along well with your first "baby."

the sheldons said...

I smell a case of baby fever. If you happen to "forget" to take your birth control pills for a couple of days and BAM! you're pregnant, I will be very upset because you will have been married for a lot shorter amount of time than we have AND have a baby. Devin, I think you should double her birth control dosages. Just slip it in her morning coffee or something.

P.S. Your cat is adorable.