Tuesday, February 5, 2008

And the Race is on.....

The Boys about to race for the 2nd time. Devin was the only one who got yelled at that round. Bumping too hard hunny. Watch out. The race was on between Craig, Devin and Troy. Well, who won you ask? Craig Took first, Dev wound up second and as Troy skidded around that last corner, took the last place between the 3 boys, I mean Men.

Here is Craig, getting ready to go for race one and me getting ready to race, might I mention in my Uggs and my sweater. Serious Reacer right there! I did have my bike helmet with me though. It was FREEZING in that place, the smart ones brought gloves, Devin and I, not so smart. Our hands were BRIGHT red after only 10 min. I got the penalty flag on that race, going to fast around the corners and I spun out. "slow down" he yelled, ya ya ya ya, whatever.

There is Dev, getting ready to lap me later on that race..... GRRR I hate being such a girl sometimes, I'm not used to "Karting" like the boys are. At least I got out there!! We really had a good time getting together with Craig and Troy. We don't get to see much of Craig these days and we miss that. We don't get out much from working on the house either and in fact before we went, I was painting somemore!!!


the sheldons said...

FUN!!! I think you guys just liked huffing the exhaust fumes and feeling all loopy. Way to go Mrs. Andretti!