Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Genetic Couseling

So we went to the Genetric counselor today to get some testing done. There are some issues in my family that my Dr. was concered about, so she requested us to get some stuff done. The appt. consisted of getting to the office at 8:15am this morning while having to drink 8oz. of water on the way to the Appt. We got called back and went into the Ultra Sound room. They wanted to check the back of the baby's neck on the skin to make sure there was just the right amount of fluid under the skin (we all have this is you pinch the back of your neck, it's a little pocket that has water in it). Sometimes when a baby has Down Syndrome they have too much water in there, or not enough water in there. So she put the thing on my belly it was active time for little fetus. The thing was bouncing around moving it's arms, legs and just moving. It was soo cute, I couldn't have even imagined seeing something like that from a little baby that is 2 1/2'' long. IT was amazing, Awesome to be exact! Anyways, so the lady got some awesome photos for us. Then she went to try to measure the neck. )-: Well baby at that point had a different plan. It decided to lay back and suck it's thumb. WHAT, come on little twerp... So the lady told me to drink more water, walk around the room and try to get the baby active again. Well she came back in and put the thing back on my belly and the baby decided to turn upside down. Little stinker again. So she told me to drink MORE water and then she came back in, well the baby just wanted to suck it's thumb and lay on my uterus wall. She did the best she could with what the baby was doing, but all in all from the tip of it's nose to the skin behind the neck, the baby looks very healthy and in a low chance of having Down Syndrome. They did draw my blood for comparing some other things but time will tell on those. We are excited that we got to see the little one again and make sure it's growing well and healthy. The heart beat was 161 today, still strong, and it looks like all the fingers and toes are there. Developing very well. So here are the 4 photos that we got to take home from the office today!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Mamma's last Ride...

A Tribute to my little Red BeautySIGH..... me sad )-: Last night I sad goodbye to my little fast red friend. We have been trying to sell my bike since last summer from after Devin's accident on his bike. We really had no luck at all before. So we lowered the price on Craigs List to $6K and we got a call on Monday. This guy lives in Bothell and decided he liked the bike and asked how low we'd go. Well we told him $5800 and that's it. Monday night he called and said he was going to pick it up on Wednesday night and we would beleive it when we saw him and money. So when I got home from work last night Devin was about to take it out for the last ride to get it warmed up for the guy, so I asked if I could go along. Well he hymmed and hawwed and then decided that he needed to fill up the tires. The guy was going to be there in 5 minutes and he's taking his sweet time filling up the tires (Felt like forever since I just wanted to go for a ride with him). Well the guy got there before he was done, and I was doomed to not get on the bike that one last time. The guy looked it over and looked at me (he knew it was mine) and asked me if I wanted to take it for one last ride! WHOA WHOOOOO, YES (now, I know I'm pregnant, but I haven't been on my bike since last summer, and I needed closure) so I hopped on it and took it around the block and it felt amazing, I almost didn't want to sell it at that point. I wanted to say "sorry guy, I changed my mind". But I know that the money would help us out later more then a bike sitting in the garage would. So I said goodbye to my beauty ♥ )-; SIGH***

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Devin's b-day

So Happy Birthday Devin, YESTERDAY. He tunred a wonderful 25. I wanted to get him an ice cream cake, (mostly because I love them) but he said he wanted a plane white cake with chocolate frosting. Well that's a little boring for me to just make a flat sheet cake with some frosting.... So I thought I would get a little creative..... (I don't bake, I can cook with the best of them, but baking isn't so good for me, it always turns out a little off, well this time was no different. I baked the 2 cakes and I got one turned upside down and out of the pan, and when I went to take the big one out of the pan, half of it came out as the bottom half stayed in the pan. Oh stupid. UGH) Back to my creative side, my gramma used to make us these birthday theme cakes, like butterfly's, bunny's, cars, etc. So I wanted to make something great! I then Googled Children's birthday cakes. I found a Monster Truck one that looked for the most part pretty easy. So I went down to the store and bought all the goodies. I made the cake part on Monday night and then I left work early on Tuesday.
Tuesday. Devin had a CRAPPY day at work so he was in the biggest funk in the work. So sad considering it was his b-day. I got home about an hour before he did and worked on his cake. I started with the frosting and UGH, the frosting didn't want to stick to the cake since the cake was crumbly. So I had to use my fingers to get it to stick to the cake, and then I cut out extra cake to use for "ramps" and had to cover them in frosting. After that I had to make my "track" out of twizzlers that I pulled apart. I then took the oreo crust pie and crumbled that up and put that on there for the "dirt". Then I added the cars and the monster trucks. I stood back, and all I could do was LAUGH, and LAUGH. I was pretty impressed with what I created. So all in all it turned out well and the cake tasted just fine from what I heard. So here are some pictures for the night!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Fullfilling Weekend

So we had a pretty busy weekend. It started Friday night, we met Lance and Kristene at Azteca for dinner and then we went to Kent Station at saw the movie Taken. Great movie by the way, a little sad but still good. We sat in the 2nd row back in the theater since we were a little late, it was a little hard to see the entire screen, moving your head back and forth, but still a good movie. Saturday morning we got up at 8:30 (because Maui was whinning) and I started painting the nursery again and moving some things around. I got it done, and we even picked up out Lazy Boy chair from Walmart.

We decided to do Crown Molding on the top, and chair railing. We painted the top half a tan/brown color and the bottom is white for now. My plan for the bottom half is for a boy- White, brown and Blue stripes, for a girl- White, brown and Pink stripes. So when Mid April comes, I will be able to finish the paint. But for now you get to see it half done with the big cozy rocking/recliner chair! It's amazing by the way, I already tried to take a nap in it on Saturday afternoon.

Saturday evening we got to go out to dinner with our friends Jon and Mellissa. We have on occasion helped them with remodeling there Giant house, and as a thank you they took us to the melting pot for dinner. Devin and I had never been, so we were excited to go!!!

Here they are enjoying the meal together.

And then us having a good time too. The meal was different then I expected, I thought the whole thing was going to be cheese, but in fact it was different, and it was some VERY good food!!! Thank you to both of them for a special night out!!!

Sunday... I decided that I wanted to get some of my garden cleaned up from all the plants that have died from all the lack of sun and snow that we had. Got me going and it even got Devin motivated as well. I got it all cleaned out and weeded, and I got devin to mow for me, and together we got that yard looking spectacular again. YEah for us!!! We got a call from Dev's Parents and they invited us up for Salmon dinner. We hadn't been there in such a while so we wanted to go up there. We had a great meal and a great time, and even watched some of the grammy's before we took off to go home to bed. It was a busy weekend, but all in all we feel pretty accomplished!!!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Baby Trowbridge...

So we had our first Ultra sound yesterday and met with the OB and nurse. The baby is growing very well and is looking very healthy, it's measuring at 9 weeks and 3 days, but that might change at the next one. They still didn't give me a defenitive due date yet, they said it's either Sept. 1st or the 6th, we should know more by mid april when we find out the sex and when it's measured again. We also got to hear the heart beat, (when she turned it on and we could hear it, it was soo sweet of Devin, he looked at me and grabbed my arm and got this huge smile on his face, I love how he is soo excited!!!!) It is an extremely strong heart beat at 185/min. They said it's very important to keep it strong like that! My uterus is also looking good, and all in all it was a great appt.

We went over all the family history and wow, I can't beleive how much stuff was writen down on MY side. Devin had not one thing that was writen down. I thought that us Holmes/Sheldons were pretty healthy considering how many of us there are. Well the OB has reccomended that I get some testing done, another Ultra sound at 14-16 weeks to check the skin on the back of the neck (I guess if it's too thin or too thick it's a bad thing), and take my blood to compare it to the other blood I took earlier and check the amounts of everything in it. A little scary but I don't forsee there being any problems with this baby. I think it's more being cautious then anything. So here is the little baby that is growing inside my uterus.... (that's still weird to think about)

The head is on the right side (it's almost the size of it's whole body) with the body being on the left. Ohhh how exciting!!!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Feeling like Crap....

So on Saturday night I started feeling bad. Not pregnancy bad, but feel like my throat was closing up, my nose was hurting and my eyeballs wanted to pop out of my head looking for a soft place to lay on. Sunday I woke up still not feeling well, but Devin was motivated to work on house stuff and I didn't want to just sit there on the couch and look lazy, so I started painting the baby room. I got all the corners and tops and middle areas done. We got the crown molding up and the chair railing up as well. So I am about 1/3 of the way done with it. It's probably best that my nose couldn't smell because I 'm sure the paint wasn't good for me, but I got a lot done. Well Sunday night I still wasn't feeling well and got into bed at 9. Got to bed about 10 and slept kinda off and on all night. uggghhhh, I woke up this morning still not feeling well so I slept in a little bit and finally got to work at 11am. I bought some tylenol on the way and I can say that they tell you to take tylenol when your pregnant, because it doesn't do CRAP for you. Still feel the same as before I picked up the box. STUPID. Well I hope it passes soon. I'd like to be able to smell again!