Saturday, January 10, 2009

Randomly..... Baby thought

So I was just sitting here thinking about this little future baby and a thought popped into my head. There are just some people in your life that you REALLY never want to have them hold your baby. We were talking about this earlier today with my brother and sister in law, and my sister Kristene and Mam. And REALLY there are just some people that you NEVER want your baby in their arms. How can you avoid that when you know you will be around them at some point in time. Do you make it clear to them? Do you grab them back from them if they get passed to that person? How do you make it so that person never hold them? I know that every one at least one time as had this thought. I would like to know how you people deal with this, or at least some stories that you have had that you can tell me to help me along in the future. UGH...


sammiface2009 said...

I'm not quite sure about how you would handle that. I would be obvious yet in a way subtle about it... and say you were taking the baby to change its diaper or feed it haha but that wont work every time... So I dont really know. I don't have a kid of my own. I wouldn't quite know how to handle something like that.

But congratulations.
You are going to make an amazing mommy =]

Kelsey said...

Hmm, I can honestly say I've never had that thought. I guess I have always been so hard on myself that I thought my babies would be better off if someone else was holding them.

Actually, I think I need a little more explanation. Why wouldn't you want them to hold your baby? Now I have people that I would never let babysit my kids, but if they want to hold them for a minute or two, I don't see what that would hurt. Do you think they're going to drop the baby? Do they have communicable diseases? Poor hygiene? I've never been in your situation, so I'm having a hard time understanding it. I honestly want to know because maybe there are people I shouldn't let hold my kids for reasons that I've never thought of.

Christina Johnson said...

I sent my comment to you in message format... check your myspace :o)

Sarah-Olivia said...

Sad as it is, my father-in-law is one of those people I NEVER want to hold my babies. Luckily, I have been able to find one stupid excuse or another to avoid him taking over. My favorite is, "he/she is very hungry so I need to go feed him/her" then I sneak off to a room and just hold my baby feeling oh so grateful it is me and not him! I think the most common one used is, "well, he/she is really tired and grumpy, I better just hang on to him/her." It works like a charm!

Anonymous said...

I am so curious to know who these people are that you are referring to. It had better not be me, cause I'm gonna hold your baby wether you like it or not!